
When it comes to building web pages, the coding language can, at first glance, appear incredibly complex. It may seem rather daunting having to take all this new information on board, but by breaking down each of the different elements involved, you’ll find that you can make sense of all these essential pieces of the puzzle.

If you’re thinking of building a website, then you’ll almost certainly have come across the acronyms HTML and CSS. These two essential tools form some of the foundations of any webpage. However, although they’re often used in conjunction with each other, they both serve very different purposes when it comes to web coding.

The key differences lie in their implementation, ease of use, their various features, and how they are structured, but at the end of the day, both HTML and CSS are the keys to unlocking how the World Wide Web works. Let’s dive into the details of both HTML and CSS, what they’re used for, and how to learn HTML and CSS.  

What is HTML? 

Let’s start by breaking down exactly what the acronym ‘HTML’ stands for. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. Hypertext is effectively a text within a text, and a markup language is a language understood by computers, designed to essentially describe webpages and make the text you use more interactive.

HTML5 is the latest ‘version’ of HTML, and knowledge in this area is a growing trend in the job market. By and large, it has the same functionality as standard HTML but is much more dynamic and uses much less code to build something fantastic. 

What is CSS? 

CSS is the acronym for Cascade Styling Sheets. In short, it is a sheet style language, which is a type of language you can use to describe the presentation of a markup language – in this case, to describe the movements of HTML. It effectively determines how the building blocks, as laid by HTML, are decorated and presented to the user.

Web accessibility is really important to many employers and companies nowadays, and there is fierce competition in creating the most accessible and well-designed webpage. Learning some software development fundamentals involving CSS can help you learn how to create accessible web pages.