
Bootstrap templates are pre-designed website or software frameworks or base layouts that leave minimal space for custom styling. With templates, minimal custom CSS is mainly used for layout purposes, and few styling or design decisions are made. 

Why use Bootstrap Templates?

The point of using Bootstrap templates is to reduce the time taken to complete the web design project. If you have a specific design in mind, you will first have to lay down the basic layout on which you will add designs, features, and functionalities to your project. A template offers a blank slate when starting a new project. For instance, if you would like to create a portfolio website, you will need the page divided into partitions that display personal information, resume, skills, etc.  It’s far faster to employ a predesigned bootstrap template instead of wasting time choosing a format.

How to Use Bootstrap Templates?

Now we know what bootstrap templates are and how using them makes the designing process easier. Next is to understand how to use them. The way developers construct bootstrap templates determines how they are used. Some come with a project builder config that uses Gulp or Webpack to compile the Sass files and make development easier. In contrast, others may come with a project builder config that uses Gulp or Webpack to compile the Sass files and make development easier.

Developers can also use Bootstrap templates with front-end technologies like React, Vue, or Angular. Another noteworthy point of utilizing bootstrap templates is that they are usually well documented. This means you will have no worries about how to work with them, as when purchasing or downloading the templates, you will also get a setup guide that will guide you with the deployment. 

Some of notable include:

  • Fully responsive template
  • Latest Bootstrap version
  • Sass/SCSS source files included (pro and membership users only)
  • Clean and modern design
  • PHP/Ajax contact form script (pro version only)
  • Latest Bootstrap version
  • Animation on scroll effects
  • Clean code and easy to customize
  • Off-canvas mobile menu
  • Nice responsive pricing boxes
  • Filterable portfolio page
  • Portfolio with lightbox support
  • SEO Optimized
  • Responsive video, object, embed
  • Cross Browser compatible